About Us
The Biological Safety Information Network (BioNet) was founded in 1992 as a nonprofit organization to facilitate the promotion of biological safety throughout Southern California. Since its inception, BioNet has grown to encompass colleagues throughout California and has broadened its focus. We remain committed to biosafety but realize that all aspects of safety are of concern to our diverse population of members and associates.
BioNet’s primary goals are the following:
provide a forum for its members to discuss and debate research safety issues of concern,
increase interest and knowledge of current regulations relevant to biosafety and other research safety activities,
promote the evaluation and control of biohazards in the workplace and environment,
encourage networking among various organizations with focus on those located in Southern California.
Generally, we have three 2-hour meetings a year and one half-day symposium. Program topics cover timely issues in biological safety as well as any safety-related items of interest to our members. Lecturers are scientists, Occupational Medicine staff, regulators from government agencies, Health and Environmental Safety staff, and others. We may present information in a round-table/open discussion format. Our annual symposium is accompanied by a vendor showcase. A lunch is offered to BioNet members at our in person meetings and symposia.
BioNet is open to anyone interested in biological safety and other research safety issues, providing unique networking opportunities. Members range from students to senior professionals, from disciplines as diverse as academia, healthcare, emergency response, pharmaceutical/biotech industries and regulatory affairs.
The Biological Safety Information Network is an Affiliate of the American Biological Safety Association - ABSA.